LX 300
Lateralization / Visual location
Find what looks like the model
Lateralization / Visual location
Find the one who is any front
Lateralization / Visual location
Find the one who is quite behind
Lateralization / Visual location
Find the one who is to the right or to the left
Lateralization / Visual location
Find the one who is to the right, to the left, or in the center
Lateralization / Visual location
FindFind the one who is above or below
Location of figures
Find what looks like the model
Location of geometrical forms
Find what looks like the model
Lateralization / Visual location
Find the other half of the model
Location of initials
Find what looks like the model
Location of « pseudo-letters »
Find what looks like the model
Identification of capital letters
Find what looks like the model
Identifying lowercase
Find what looks like the model
Identifying letters « specifications »
Find what looks like the model
Locating small words
Find what looks like the model
Tracking 3-letter words
Find what looks like the model
Locating small words
Find what looks like the model
Identifying verbs
Find what looks like the model
Identifying 4-letter words
Find what looks like the model
Found image
Find the pieces of image
Prix de vente conseillé par le fabricant 35,00 EUR